

Leadership is about being brave and ignorant

The leader does not assume the purpose of his mission if people are not important to him. Most likely YOU are a leader and have read thousands of articles about this same subject. But if so, why do you keep this interest? What type of communication are you using on a daily basis? What... Read More

Hotelaria precisa de liderança e coaching

“Todos os indícios apontam para que 2015 seja o melhor ano turístico de sempre, ” destronando 2014. O turismo em Portugal está a crescer muito mais (12,3%) que a média na Europa, assumindo-se como um dos principais potenciadores da economia.  Fonte:OMT Cada fase de crescimento é propicia a uma cegueira de problemas... Read More

What makes a strong coach?

Authenticity is a significant quality of a strong and impactful coach; therefore, it was imperative to create a model that honors the organic process of coaching. Since the power of the coaching relationship lies not just in what happens during the coaching meeting itself, but also in what happens in between coaching meetings, the model is based on the entire coaching relationship.

Coaching e Responsabilidade

    O processo de coaching é um processo de assumir responsabilidade. O coach sabe que esta consideração é crucial. Enquanto o coachee considerar que as suas falhas ou problemas são consequência de factores externos o coaching não tem eficácia. Se o problema está fora, qual a necessidade de mudar?... Read More

The 3 toxic behaviors that pollute the work environment

The toxic or poisonous attitudes that I have been trying to transform or at least bring a new perspective to it, are strongly attached to most of the people minds. Well, at least they are in the minds that have been crossing my professional path.  Most of the 5 and... Read More