A ética no Coaching
A ética (do grego-ethikos), refere-se à moral e obrigações do ser humano. Mais ainda, refere-se às atitudes, responsabilidade e valores com que nos relacionamos uns com os outros e com o mundo. O vínculo Coach-Coachee está fundado na ética destes valores. A raíz desta relação é acima de tudo o amor... Read More
Coaching Supervision, Keeping Coaches “Honest”
Unless you have come from the field of counseling/therapy, you may not be familiar with a process called “supervision.” In fact, most coaches are unaware of the importance and value of supervision and few engage in supervision on a regular basis. Coaching supervision involves a process of exploring through experience,... Read More
Brain science is studying coaching results
Coaching is the second-fastest growing profession in the world, rivaled only by information technology, as I reported in a National Post article. The profession owes its success both to the personal development movement and the huge global economic restructuring since the 1980s. Competition within and among companies, flattened management... Read More
Inteligência ecológica nas organizações
Quais devem ser os nossos objectivos ecológicos? Esta ecologia serve e favorece qualquer negócio. Como líder pense na simplicidade destes 3 objectivos quando olhar para a sua equipa/negócio. 1. Conhecer os impactos 2. Favorecer as melhorias 3. Partilhar o que se aprende A natureza partilhada da inteligência ecológica torna-a sinergética... Read More
Not all coaches and clients are a good match
You should “interview” your coach like your coach is likely to interview you. • Ask the potential coach to tell you about his or her coach specific training. • Does the coach belong to a coaching organization? (For ethical oversight) • How many years has the coach been coaching?... Read More