

A New Understanding of Millennials: Generational Differences Reexamined

The behavior of Millennials has been shaped by two major factors: the Great Recession, which hit them harder than it hit older generations, and explosive growth in student debt. However, other observed differences in their behavior—differences that set Millennials apart from people of similar age in prior years—largely reflect trends... Read More

Hotelaria precisa de liderança e coaching

“Todos os indícios apontam para que 2015 seja o melhor ano turístico de sempre, ” destronando 2014. O turismo em Portugal está a crescer muito mais (12,3%) que a média na Europa, assumindo-se como um dos principais potenciadores da economia.  Fonte:OMT Cada fase de crescimento é propicia a uma cegueira de problemas... Read More

The customer relationship can be lost!

Now, what’s not so great? To start with, it’s hard to create a bond with a robot. The relationship can be lost. How can a robot make a customer feel appreciated? Smart retailers will recognize that the robot, at least for now, is an enhancement versus a replacement for a good employee forging a relationship with the customer.

Coaching Executivo em Hotelaria – A organização no meio

Uma relação triangular… Os últimos 5 anos trouxeram extrema turbulência social e económica. Tal deveu-se à revolução da informação através das novas tecnologias e o fácil acesso a qualquer notícia, à globalização dos mercados, à mudança nos padrões sociais e culturais da família, à consciência ecológica, à responsabilidade social, à... Read More

Business Coaching can make successful Hotel Leaders

                Those are some of the great benefits for you and your organization: Greater effectiveness at work – Coachee feels more effective and produces better results. Healthy happy worker. Neither under-estimating nor over-estimating what is possible in their role. Meeting client´s personal and business... Read More