

Ignorar emoções, não as faz desaparecer

Um caso verídico… Coachee – “Não disse a ninguém que estou a fazer Coaching. Já notaram diferenças em mim, mas acho que não têm nada a ver com isso. Coach – Como seria se partilhasse com alguém que está a fazer algo para melhorara a sua vida? Coachee – A... Read More

Estudo Mundial sobre Team Coaching. Participe!

Está a ser realizado um estudo mundial sobre Team Coaching. Decorre entre Julho e Agosto de 2010. Até agora, responderam profissionais de 34 países. A pesquisa encerrada em 31 de Agosto. Contribua para este estudo! O objetivo do estudo é aprofundar a compreensão global do Team Coaching  e comparar idéias com... Read More

Do Your Coaching Clients Want What You’re Offering Them?

I know you know what your current coaching clients want. But do you know what your prospects want? There’s a difference. Discovering exactly what prospects want from you is the key to enrolling lots of clients easily. So many coaches miss this, because they already know what they’re selling –... Read More

How Do I Get Started?

We Coaches after a long period being trained and with the certification in hands are often asked the question, “So how do I get started?” Each situation is unique, and yet there are some general suggestions to offer: Take time to practice. Enhancing your own skill level will help you develop... Read More

Cancer – Coaching can be your best medicine

It is well known that the majority of reasons that are associated with cancer are related with disordered emotions. Sadness, guilty, anger, anxiety are more likely to appear during times of stress, such as divorce, examinations, overwork, military service and other life problems. The key issue is usually communication. Everyone... Read More